Thirsty Thursday: Impero Pinot Grigio

My birthday was on Monday (I'm now solidly in my late 20s, nbd) and my mom gave me a bottle of pinot grigio. See, I'm not much of a wine drinker, but when I do drink wine, it's pinot grigio. I like that it's sweet and tart, yet a bit dry at the same time. … Continue reading Thirsty Thursday: Impero Pinot Grigio

Lit Tuesday: Abandoned by the Muses

Last Saturday, my friend over at The Nifty Notebook and I attended an all-day class on, basically, how to get self-published and be successful at it. It was a great class and worth the time. The instructor had a lot of knowledge and was pretty good at toeing the line between "this is the blunt … Continue reading Lit Tuesday: Abandoned by the Muses